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Proud Supporters of First
Responders and Military

Don't ask about the's a secret.

OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY   I    6am - 5pm


Lattes, Drip, Americanos, Teas, & More.

Coffee Maker
Fresh Croissants


Locally made Pastries.


Bagged Coffee & More.

Coffee Beans

A Real Love Story

A love story you say? Yes yes, as you see the becoming of BTX was one only found in fairy tales. NOT! BTX Coffee has no magical, sappy, mooshy story on how two people thought up a dream and made it happen. Rather, it's simple - two cool dudes, cops, found a connection with an everyday superpower that heroes need...caffeine.

So, these two police officer buddies after protecting and serving their communities for many years decided to love and serve their communities in a very different way, coffee. There is no better way to grow relationships, conversations, and community than with a great Cup of Joe.

They figured since they have been all over buying cups of coffee to survive brutal night shifts, they had the expertise to know exactly how to make that perfect "Night Shift." - (Pssst...go check out our menu to get this one.) if the "Night Shift" doesn't wake you up, you'll at least need a cardiologist! Simply put, they've had a lot of coffee. They know what good coffee is, and they felt it was about time they shared it with you.

Locations & Hours

Drop by for a boost, bite, or conversation.


170 S Gabriel Street

Bertram TX 78605

Inside Betram Public Library


Mon - Fri: 6am - 5pm
​​Saturday: 6am - 5pm
​Sunday: Closed

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